New Life Partnership
“Statement of Agreement”

Matthew 5:37
37 Just say a simple, ‘Yes, I will,’ or ‘No, I won’t.’ Anything beyond this is from the evil one. 
This is not a contract but rather an opportunity for the entirety of the church to be aware of what partnership together looks like biblically. We’re endeavoring to serve Christ as a community of believers with honesty and excellence. This is a way for you to express your affirmation to partner with the local body to which God has called you. When we come together in agreement as the first church in Acts, we will see God’s blessings and multiplication.

Amos 3:3
Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?

So, if this isn’t a contract then why do we sign? The signature in this instance is your stamp of agreement. The Bible says that we are able to give either a yes, or a no in matters. More importantly, how can we walk forward if we don’t agree, and how will there be an acknowledgement that we’re in agreement? You reserve the liberty to no longer partner with the local body of New Life Christian Ministries as God directs. We recognize that just as you were obedient when He led you here, you must obey if He sends you as well.

Acts 2:42
All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper[a]), and to prayer.

Believers in the first church devoted themselves to a unity that led to the good of them all. There was togetherness in teaching, fellowship, prayer, meals and even their possessions and needs. This pleased God so much that the Lord continued to add to their fellowship. It’s our desire at New Life to have a biblical fellowship that pleases God, and we need the participation of the partners He’s adding.
If you have any questions or concerns before becoming a partner, please don’t hesitate to ask. We love you and are excited to serve together.

“I have read the Partnership Outline and agree with the biblical definitions of partnership presented. I believe God has sent me to partner with New Life Christian Ministries, both to serve and be served. It’s my desire to be added to this fellowship of believers, understanding that my partnership is active as long as I adhere to biblical principles, or until I am led to partner elsewhere.”

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